In this month's vacation adventure to Cape Cod, MA we happened upon a total car nut. While in Hyannis Port as we were making our way to P-town for a couple of days we head about a fellow who owned a B&B and had a pretty impressive car collection that was open for public viewing. We we just had to investigate.
Toad Hall & the Simmons Homestead Inn of Bill Putman a fellow with near 60 classic cars all painted in a Nissan Red (expect for one Lotus in original British Racing Green). Very cool collection of mostly British cars such as the Lotus, MGs, Jags, Triumphs, Austin Healey, Hensen Healey, Morgan, Sunbeam, AC, Mini, Daimler and a Porsche and BMW thrown in for good measure. I am pictured with Bill, who also had a rather extensive collection of single malt scotch whiskey and some 30 cats.

For more on Bill and his cars visit www.toadhallcars.com