OK, so I was working on only 3 or 4 hours of sleep following a 12 hr. night shift in the ER, but who could pass up an opportunity to attend a little car show no too far away and on such a beautiful day as today.
With the sun out, birds singing and my newly acquired "project car" ... a '73 BMW 2002tii beckoning me, I could not resist. I called and spoke with the organizers of this show and they encouraged me to bring this "atypical" car up. Most folks at local Southern car shows are big into Mustangs, Camaros, pick up trucks and the occasional import tuner. But a classic European sports car.. not likely to see too many of those.
Anyway, was a nice drive (about 70 miles) and meet some really nice folks. Some pics below of the show:

A young car-fan inspects a hotrod. In the distance a remake of the "Dukes of Hazard" General Lee.. adorned with the autographs of the cast members on the sunvisors and trunk lid. Yeeee Hawwww!!!

A rather nice 1957 Chevy BelAir (took a few pics of this beauty to use in the restoration of my '57).

There I am... parked in the second row. Several there were surprised to see an old BMW. Received some nice comments and admirations from visitors despite it's "rough" shape. Even brought home a "Top 50" trophy. How about them apples... Just wait until she has her nut-n-bolt restoration. The fellow that owned the nice '65 Mustang was a career Army fellow who shared not only some good conversation but also a folding chair.

What had to be my favorite car of the show was this tricked-out
1969 Convertable Camaro. A Candy-Apple Red $7500 paint job with extreme attention to detail. A real show winner. The product of Brian Clark with The Classic Chassis restoration outfit in Fayetteville.