VerDe_Motors niche is in the salvage, restoration and conversion of the early model SUV to that of a "big green machine."
American's love their SUVs. Despite the rising price of gas the sales of these giants has not slowed down too much. The SUV does it all. Provides a safe ride, carts around several head of kids to soccer practice and makes trips to the food store a pleasure. While most of us don't take these SUVs off the road, you certainly can and manage tough terrain. American's love things big... and SUVs are big on fuel consumption and increased emissions. Solution: Reclaim a classic SUV (the vehicle that started the craze) and drop a biodeisel or VO fuel engine in her and presto....problem solved (and you feel better about saving the planet by reducing your carbon footprint).
We seek out well preserved JEEP Grand Wagoneer models (1980's mostly) and do an off frame restoration and if the customer wishes an alternative fuel conversion. We are of the mindset that less is more, so if you are looking for that blinged-out brand-new $60,000 SUV, you probably need to look elsewhere. However, if you wish to reclaim and restore a vehicle that would otherwise be headed to a funk yard in a few years and reduce your carbon emissions, you have arrived at the right place. Spread the word.
This type of conversion also works well with the classic VW Rabbit.