As Diesel / Fuel prices continue to rise... why not make your own biofuel.
Using WVO to make biofuel is very easy and will cost less than $1/gallon. I have a time tested recipe / formula for making cheap biofuel.
WARNING: Do NOT use biofuel or greater than 50% biodiesel in modern (after c.2003) biesel engines. If you do, expect to pay $800++ to fix your entire fuel system. Due to viscosity issues, specific gravity and surface tension the mix just ain't right for the modern day engines with their high-brow computer processors and sensors. Trust me... I learned the hard way on my 2005 Jeep Liberty CRD. It cost me in the long run... had to drop the tank, and clean the fuel lines from the tank to the injectors (turned out it was not the biofuel so much as a water issue. The last batch had a high water content that was not "washed out" and cause the fuel to not fire under compression, thus the vehicle stalled every few hundred yards (the tank had to be evacuated and lines purged). If you have an old clunker (VW or Benz that is an 80's or 90's model indirect injector set up... then by all means go for it you can use 100% biofuel or biodiesel. I still use some in my Jeep as it runs much better, smoother and lubricates the engine better.
I am selling plans & kit on how to construct your own small batch kit and how to mix WVO (waste veggie oil) with easily acquired (Gas station & hardware store) ingredients for $50.
**Sorry my last kit just sold in Jan 2008, so I am only selling my recipe now ($10).
Email me at jpsaleeby@aol.com or call (912) 656-2297.